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Welcome to my corner of the internet! I'm Alison, an author with a passion for the fantasy genre. For the first twenty years of my life, I lived all over. But eventually landed in Alabama, making a home alongside my husband, daughter, and our emotionally needy Scottish Fold. 


On this site, you'll find updates about my debut novel, which will be released in 2025, sneak peeks, and events, as well as some of my writing.


Sign up for my monthly newsletter, where I share reviews of books I'm loving, essays, and photos from my life. Thank you for joining me on this magical literary journey!

My Story

My love of story started onstage: acting and playwriting. After gaining my bachelor’s degree in theatre arts, I apprenticed at the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey (where, in between scenes of Henry VI, I sat backstage with a flashlight devouring the final book of the Harry Potter series). Eventually, I left the stage for something equally dramatic yet far more personal: a master’s degree in counseling. It was always my hope to write, and a few years into counseling, I turned my sights to novel writing. Throughout the process I have found within myself a well of experience, not in writing (that’s taken years of practice!), but in people. From dissecting a character in a script to accompanying a client as they plumb the depths of their own heart, I have spent my life entrenched in human stories.


As a Christian, my faith infuses my work with themes of hope, redemption, and the deeply felt complexities of the human soul. With a lifelong love for the fantasy genre, my debut fantasy, Shadowless, explores the nature of the human soul with equal parts theatrical and psychological...and, of course, plenty of magic throughout.


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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